* All levels of ability are welcome.
* Friendly atmosphere and lively Latin music.
* £5 for lesson and club.
** Tequila Slammers £1.50
** Bottles of wine from £9.00
** 2 Bottles of Corona £5.00
** B.O.G.O.F Mojitos and Cuba Libres
** More drinks deals - Ask the bar staff for details.
Rule number one of Cocktail Club.... Check out Ten's range of cocktails specially selected with our clients in mind. Our cocktails are made from premium ingredients and made to traditional specifications which make our cocktails authentic.
With our cocktails at half price you can enjoy more of our menu for your money, which features such classics as:
Mojito: Bacardi, sugar cane syrup, fresh lime and a topping of mint. This classic cocktail is also available with raspberries.
Cosmopolitan: A Sex and the City favorite with Vodka and Contreau, shaken over fresh lime and cranberry juice.
Wednesday nights are Open Mic nights here at Ten Cocktail Bar, hosted by Ten's resident DJ Ian 'Diggers' Digweed. Every week we will be featuring new talent in the form of live acts and bands. All types of musicians and music lovers are welcome, from 8pm till 12am with free entry all night. If you have musical talent and would love to show Ten's audience, then this is the night for you!
** Shooters from £1.00
** Jager-bombs £2.90
** Double-up on selected spirits for £1.00
** Selected drinks £1.75.
** FREE entry all night.

A.k.a Thomas Frake and Lawrence Friend, Dirty English are taking the industry by storm and are fast becoming one of the biggest names in London's underground electronic dance music scene. One of the most notable residences Dirty English have commanded is at The Ministry of Sound.
** Spirits and a mixer from £2.00
** Shots from £1.50
** Bottles from £1.50
** Jagerbomb or Vodka and Red Bull £2.95
** FREE ENTRY all night.
Ten is bringing out the bug guns with its re-branding of Friday nights. Now you can come along and get Funk'd Up with us at Ten and enjoy some of the best DJs from London and the south, featuring Sublime Events and Base Mosquito. You can read more about these DJs and more in our DJ page.
Drinks Deals:
Ten is bringing out the bug guns with its re-branding of Friday nights. Now you can come along and get Funk'd Up with us at Ten and enjoy some of the best DJs from London and the south, featuring Sublime Events and Base Mosquito. You can read more about these DJs and more in our DJ page.
Drinks Deals:
- VK £1.75
- Sourz shotz £1.00
- 3 Shots for £5.00
- Vodka and Red Bull £2.95
- Go large on selected spirits for £1.00
iParty, uParty, weParty on Saturday nights at Ten. With some of the hottest talent available on the decks, Ten is raising the bar with its choice of award winning VDJs and entertainment. A.D.Hall, the VDJ heavyweight will be residing over the evenings and rocking the night with his style of video mixing, original mixes and unrivaled track choices.
Drinks Deals:
- Bottles of Becks £1.75
- Sours shotz £1.00
- Sambuca £1.50
- Jager-bomb 2.95
- Wine Down with a bottle of wine from £9.00
For more information on any of our events please feel free to call us on 01903 238 392 or e-mail us at: tencocktailbar@fsmail.net, or if you have an idea for an evening at Ten Cocktail Bar then please contact us, we are always happy to hear any suggestions or recommendations.
This week its the Martini, perhaps one of the best known cocktails in history and the staple of classic cocktail making. Although there are many variations, in modern practice the standard martini is a mix of gin coupled with dry vermouth usually in a five-to-one ratio.
Shaker mixing is common due to influences of popular culture, notably the fictional spy James Bond, who always asked for his vodka martini to be "shaken, not stirred". However, shaking has a long history. Harry Craddock's Savoy Cocktail Book (1930) prescribes shaking for all its martini recipes. Noel Coward suggested that a perfect martini should be made by "filling a glass with gin then waving it in the general direction of Italy".
One popular theory suggests it evolved from a cocktail called the Martinez served at the Occidental Hotel in San Francisco sometime in the early 1860s, which people frequented before taking an evening ferry to the nearby town of Martinez. Alternatively, the people of Martinez say the drink was first created by a bartender in their town.
Martinis - Classic cocktail making at its best.
Spring and summer 2011 sees a new attitude to daytime's at Ten Cocktail Bar. We have daily offers on your favorite drinks from 12pm till 7.30pm, so whether you're spending the day relaxing, or putting an end to "one of those days" at work, Ten has the prescription for you: Bottles of larger, cocktails, pints and bottles of wine are all part of Ten's new daytime attractions.
Cocktail connoisseurs, larger lovers and those who are wild about wine will find something to buckle your swash!
For just £1.95 you and your extra change can grab a pint of Carling, Coors Light or Fosters, or a bottle of Bud, Becks or Corona. Or if you have a preference for a refreshing apple cider, we have Magner's Pear for only £2.95.

Wine lovers can find a bottle of our finest Jack Rabbit Zinfandel, Pino Grigio, rosé or rouge for a mad march hare's price of only £9.00.
With all this on offer, Ten Cocktail Bar has to be the choice for your summer daze. From 12pm to 7.30pm, Monday to Saturday, you can come and enjoy your choice of drink on our patio and watch the world go by. For any more information please call us on 01903 238 392.
Because life doesn't stop for lunch, Ten is giving its patrons the opportunity to go online at Ten. Whether you're on a lunch break, fancy surfing for fun or just have some emails to check, between 12.30pm and 2.30pm you can access our Wifi broadband. All you need to do is buy a drink from our daytime deals range, add yourself to the Ten Cocktail Bar Facebook group and we will give you a code to access the network until 2.30pm.
Terms and conditions:
- No P2P, FTP or torrent software.
- No viewing, editing or coding of sites deemed to be pornographic, indecent or offensive to the public.
- Sounds must be kept to a personal level, whilst the legal viewing of films is permitted, please be aware of your volume.
- Downloading illegal files of any media/format in packets/caches or any form.
- Ten will be monitoring all use of the network and anyone found in breech of the terms of usage will be banned and in extreme cases will be reported to the appropriate authorities.
It seems that I can't end without a few videos from our friend and fellow time waster YouTube.
Regrettably I am no longer the promotions and marketing manager at Ten, during my time here I have experienced some of the greatest nights and people in my memory.
In true Big Brother style I have compiled my Best Bits, so the only other thing to say is "Thank you and Goodnight!"
I always add a little note at the bottom of every post, usually it is to thank everyone who has been involved in Ten over the last week. This post I shall offer the same thanks to everyone who has made Ten what it is today, but this week I'd like to thank Dan for my employment over the last year and a half and I'd like to thank every past and present employee for their care and attention.