Tuesday 7 September 2010

Welcome - Hidden Pwnership

Welcome to Ten's blogspot. Here we proudly present our unique venue, cocktails, staff, parties and much more.

Updated twice a week this site shows you what's going on, how to book your celebration or event, a bit of fun and looks back at some of the past events at Worthing's ultimate party venue.

In this post we feature Ten's weekend, offer up a sneaky peeky at the EXCLUSIVE Midori Bar coming this Friday in Ten's boudoir, have an interesting look at how clever us designer people are! Take a belated look at the Broadwater Carnival, have an article on 'Owned/Pwned', announce the winners of our FITC competition, show an omnibus of our favorite drama 'The Staff' and show you couple of videos from YouTube.com. 

This weeks FITC winners have been chosen, and if you're a winner all you need to do is contact us through our Facebook group and we'll send you a printable voucher which you need to present at the bar to redeem your £10 bar tab.

Congratulations to the two winners this week.  We'd like to extend that sentiment to Elz Nicholson who was one of the lucky people who won a bar tab last week.  If you'd like the chance to win one of the tabs for next week then all you need to do is show your pretty little face at Ten this weekend and attract the attention of our photographer Lukas who'll be happy to take a picture of you for you to tag on our Facebook group.

If you've been spending any time of the Internet looking at amusing pictures, you may have come across one of two phrases; 'Owned' or 'Pwned'.  So what exactly are these states of being?

According to the Urban dictionary - a must-see for all those who may have a little time and the Internet on their hands - The verb 'Owned' which is also spelt 0wned, 0wn3d, own3d, is state of being made a fool of, it is to confound or prove wrong, to embarrass someone or the state of being embarrassed.  Pwned is exactly the same only it is an esoteric term; Internet legend says that there was a group of nerds in an online forum, discussing various pictures and videos of an 'Owned' variety when one of the nerds mis-spelt 'owned' and had written 'pwned'.  And to these cave dwellers that was of enormous amusement and became an established alternative for the verb 'Owned'.

And to celebrate such wit, here are some images of subjects being 'pwned', 'owned' and generally feeling a bit silly.

Us designers have always been fairly subtle with our smarts or our humour, from the artists who animated an up-skirt shot into Who Famed Roger Rabbit to the KKK themed Marlboro packs.

The Toblerone pack on the left is one of the examples.  The image of the mountain on the left is clearly visible but what isn't instantly noticeable is the bear on its hind legs in the centre of the mountain.  Subtle but once you've noticed it, its hard to ignore.

FedEx is another subtle design which uses the negative space in its design to produce another shape.  If you notice between the orange 'e' and 'x' there is a white arrow indicating that there is movement or motion as part of their logo.

This idea is used by other parcel delivery firms, only the arrow faces the other way.

One of my favorite hidden messages in design is by Amazon.com whose logo includes more than one way of interpreting the image.  Underneath the design there is clearly an arrow, which has two functions in the design.

Firstly we may assume that the arrow is in fact a smile, the crease on the right giving it a cheeky intent.

Secondly the arrow leads from the 'a' to the 'z', basically telling you that it has items and stock which encompass the entire alphabet.

Next in the hidden stakes is the Big Ten Conference who, even though there make-up changed, they adjusted the logo wisely.  Big Ten was a group of educational institutions in the USA,  and the conference was simply a meeting of the Ten most influential schools.  One day the education secretary decided that there would be an eleventh addition the the group.  But as the group had spent plenty of branding, marketing and web based promotions they were somewhat pained to make any changes.  Therefore one clever designer hid a number '11' between the characters 'G' and 'T', and between 'T' and the 'E'.

One of the designs which should have been better explained is the logo for the Museum of London; a design which I had struggled to make sense of and therefore had dismissed it as simply aesthetic.  Your first impression of this logo maybe that there are some pretty coloured blobs placed around the museum heading.  What we don't know is that each of the 'blobs' are indicative of the area of England that London occupied.  As the 'blobs' get larger it show the expansion of England's capital, from the small blue or red parts, through to the larger light blue areas.

The design for Yoga Australia is a great example of the use of negative space and provides an image which the viewer may not notice instantly.

By all appearances the image of the female figure is a direct translation of the brief and simply shows someone undertaking the task being advertised.  But on closer inspection we can see there is a silhouette of Australia made with the negative space between the figures bent leg and arm.

In very much the same way, the charity HACI (Hope for African Children Initiative) make the most of the nature negative shapes.  There are two images included in the design on the right. 

We may find the most obvious is the outline of the continent of Africa in white.  Alongside this the two parts which are shades of orange, two characters of which one is adult and one is infant.  

The thing about Treacy Shoes is that they found a stylised negative image in their initials which mean there was very little character manipulation.

As you may have already noticed, there is a little shoe designed into the images, by simply adding three little dots to indicate lace eyes.

Our Little seaside town of Worthing is often home to its fair share of parade and carnivals.  One of the smaller parts of Worthing is no exception to that statement, Broadwater is an area of northern Worthing - previously a network of bomb shelters. And it too has its own carnival, parade and fayre on the Broadwater Green.  Here are some of the highlights of the parade and its contributors.

The Carnival Queens
Bugle Blowing Batman Boys
Kapow, Bam, etc....
Always alert and ready for action!
A joker leading the pack - youthamism for the UK?
Aww, institutionalised religious belief - little kids reenacting the birth of Christ
Parades - more fun than sitting in the gutter
The carnival in full swing
Give us a twirl!
The belly dancers - so aptly named!
A metaphor for carnivals?
School kids performing Oliver
"Is it me, or is the carnival getting smaller every year?"

And now for something a little different....sort of.  As is customary with the latter parts of the blog posts we have a few choice videos courtesy of Youtube.com with the theme of Owned/Pwned.  Enjoy!

Thanks to everyone who has contributed to Ten in the past weeks and we look forward to seeing you all in Ten for a drink or two sometime soon.

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